Maksimalin performa bisnismu dengan menggunakan website yang ringan dan profesional
Pilih plans dan desain website yang sesuai dengan kebutuhanmu
Rp 1.000K
Who is this plan for?
Our Lando Page Plan is for brands or corporations who want to offer the product or services quickly and easily.
What’s included?
- Domain name .com
- Web hosting
- 1 website page parallax
- Mobile responsive
- 1 Email business
- Form to Whatsapp integration
- Documentation
Rp 2.000K
Who is this plan for?
Our Compr Plan is for brands or corporations seeking to scale with advanced capabilities and further presence.
What’s included?
- Domain name .com
- Web hosting
- 2-10 Website pages
- Google analytics integration
- Mobile responsive
- 5 Email businesses
- Documentation
Rp 2.500K
Who is this plan for?
Our Ecoms Plan is for brands who want to display the product catalog quickly and easily and get the lead through website.
What’s included?
- Domain name .com
- Web hosting
- 2-10 Website pages
- Google analytics integration
- Mobile responsive
- Whatsapp integration
- Auto carrier shipping rates
- Manual bank transfer
- Documentation
Website paling ekonomis dengan Landing Page
Jangan kelewatan buat punya website sendiri dari tema simple ala Easternboss yang murah tapi mantap abis.
Demo Landing Page 1
Demo Landing Page 2
Demo Landing Page 3
Demo Landing Page 4
Demo Landing Page 5
Optimalin jangkauan dengan Company Profile
Bikin bisnismu dikenal banyak orang lewat profil website yang keren dan profesional dari Easternboss.
Demo Compro 1
Demo Compro 2
Demo Compro 3
Demo Compro 4
Demo Compro 5
Demo Compro 6
Tingkatin Omzet dengan E-Commerce Website
Cocok buat naikin penjualan bisnismu lewat toko online canggih dan mudah untuk di operasikan.
Demo Ecommerce 1
Demo Ecommerce 2
Demo Ecommerce 3
Demo Ecommerce 4
Demo Ecommerce 5
Butuh bantuan memilih service yang cocok untuk bisnismu?
Set a meeting schedule with our team to discuss your next projects and what we can do for you.